
“Stories make folk songs” - JOhn prine


Being raised in an incredibly diverse musical community, Bluegrass and Folk were the standouts. Summer nights in the backyard, block parties down the street, jam sessions around a campfire, and festivals across the Colorado front range; are what led the shaping of his songwriting and his unique style.

Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, Norah Jones, John Prine, Brandi Carlile, Jack Johnson, Bob Dylan, the list goes on.
The adaptation of Folk and Americana music continues today, with artists like Gregory Alan Isakov, The Lumineers, CAAMP, Langhorn Slim, John Craigie, Daniel Rodriguez and many others. That is roughly the niche of genre you’ll find Lewis in.

Give some of Lewis’ inspirations a listen.

Of Fibre and Fixes

Of Fibre and Fixes’, Turner delivers a hauntingly beautiful collection of modern folksongs brimming with the candor and clarity of youth and the self-assured musical exploration of a maturing artist. For the album, Turner teamed up with production all-stars Tyler Lindgren and Andrew Berlin. Lindgren, known for his work with Colorado favorites TX2 and In the Whale, and Berlin, who has worked with Grammy nominated artist Gregory Alan Isakov and VMA winner Rise Against, bring an abundance of experience and talent to Turner’s unique interpretation of the Folk genre.

“Acoustic music is extraordinary,” says Turner. “There’s no emotion that can’t be shown, and there’s a rawness that has always drawn me.”

On Of Fibre and Fixes, he doesn’t hold back. Turner’s lyrics, shaped by innate curiosity and open-hearted sensitivity, draped in nature-based metaphor and blended with catchy melodies and dreamy soundscapes, invite the listener to settle in and enjoy the ride.


"You" is a heartfelt song. It was written in late 2021 and initially recorded as part of Lewis' debut album. However, the song carries such emotional depth and uniqueness that it was later removed from the album to be released as a standalone demo-style single.

"You" explores themes of love, introspection, and self-discovery. It invites the audience to delve into their own emotions and reflect on personal experiences. With its raw and intimate sound, the live recording captures the raw essence of the song, enhancing its authenticity.

Get out of my head

In 2019, when Lewis Turner and Keaton Nalezny began collaborating, they had no intention of releasing any of their projects. "Get Out Of My Head," a catchy pop tune that started as a simple acoustic song, however, was a track they knew the world needed to hear. Showcasing Turner’s heartfelt lyrics and Nalezny’s infectious beats and melodies, resulted in a sound that is both unique and accessible.

Despite their relatively short time working together, Turner and Nalezny have both began making a name for themselves with their passion for creating music. Their debut single, "Get Out Of My Head," has garnered critical acclaim and has quickly become a fan favorite. Check out Keaton Nalezny's new releases here.